
Simple & Easy to Use

We’ve been building websites for NZ schools for nearly twenty years, so we have a pretty good idea of what works for schools and what doesn’t.

Staff are so busy these days that any workable solution must be quick and easy to update.

Looks great on all devices from a tiny smartphone to a whopping desktop screen

It’s vital that your site is easy to view and navigate on all devices. You may be surprised to learn that up to 2/3 of all visitors to your site are on a smartphone or tablet/iPad? 
We use the term “responsive” to describe websites which automatically adjust or reformat themselves, according to the size of the screen your website visitor is using.  
As you’d expect, all our sites are fully responsive and can be fine-tuned so users with smaller screens get the same ease of reading as those on large desktop monitors.

Design & Customising

Obviously, you will want to showcase all the wonderful features of your school!

Choose one of our three Design/Customisation plans:  Mini, Premium or Platinum.  Our team will be happy to discuss which plan best suits your school.

Have an App with that!!

On the house…

Every KiwiSchools website now comes with the latest edition of our cool smartphone app, so it’s easy to “flick” parents a message when something important crops up at school.

Recent events in NZ have emphasised how vital instant messaging to parents is.

And, did you know, lots of schools are paying $70 or so per month for a smartphone app that doesn’t measure up!

Design = the “Wow” factor!

You’ll want your site to impress visitors, be they part of your parent community, past pupils, or prospective parents/students.

What distinguishes great sites from mundane ones is summarised in one word:  DESIGN

It’s an up-front investment which will be appreciated for years to come!

KiwiSchools offers several customisation options so you can present your school at its very best (and within your budget too!)

Keeping your site up-to-date

Once you have a beautifully-designed site, content becomes the next thing to stay on top of. No doubt you’ve seen sites which have been sadly neglected — newletters months or even years old, old ERO reports, photos from school trips two years ago… you get the idea. We call these sites “cob-web” sites!

KiwiSchools gives you tools that are so easy to use there’s really no excuse for tired content – if you can type an email, you can update a web page or add a photo!

Better still, your site is fully supported by the KiwiSchools team who handle more complicated editing using the free tech support minutes you get each term.

Don’t take our word for it!

Rather, check out what our customers have to say!